
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Blender Work: Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik

Hey Guys! So i have made a new blender model ( Check my others on I AM A BEGINNER so don't get your hopes up. This is Dr. Eggman from the Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise.

STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT! DO NOT WORRY! NO PANICKING! I know it looks horrible, but im still working. I need to add more details. Fix the "gloves", add shoes, detail his costume, fix his glasses, and add a mouth.

Share your thoughts below!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

IMO: Samsung Galaxy S3 Too Big

Most of you know that the Samsung Phones are one of the fastest selling phones worldwide, and they have been critically aclaimed lately. The lastest release is the Samsung Galaxy S3, which in my opinion, is huge.

That thing is too big for the hand to hold. I would totally buy one if it wasn't oversized, but just look at it. It is Huge.

What do you think? Is it too big? And is it a good thing or a bad thing? Share your thoughts and comment below!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises Shooting in Denver

Everyone can't wait for the conclusion to Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, everyone including bad guys.
Do you wanna know how I got THESE scars?

So basically, yesterday in Denver, people happily went to the theaters to watch the Dark Knight Rises. So these people are watching that movie when they suddenly hear gunshots. Some people thought it was from the movie, but was it? They soon realized that it wasn't from the movie. People are wounded, smoke bomb appears out of no where, more gunshots are heard, people die, even more gunshots are heard! Its like World War II, but in the theaters, and no Hitler. Who was behind all this mess? Well it was reported that this guy wore a gas mask and was dressed in black. Umm... I wonder where he got that idea from.

Bane, the villain from the movie
So because of that psycho, 12 people lost their lives, and 50 were wounded, and everyone couldn't see the movie! Way to ruin a happy moment, Mr. Killer. A three month old baby girl was SHOT at point-blank range in the back. It was also reported that MANY of the dead victims were children. The suspect is James Holmes, age 24, and his mom even admitted that it was him who attacked. A gas canister exploded just when the preview trailers finished and Mr. Killer opened fire when people started to flee the theaters. Shame on you, Mr. Killers, even killing children. You deserve to be killed or at least tortured.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Top 5 Funnest Thing To Do In Kid Icarus Uprising

5. Charity
Donate money to Palutena or Virdi, and they will come closer to you. This has no purpose what so ever but still its fun to see them moving closer to you.

4. AR Fights
Its fun watching characters fighting against each others!

3. How to Play
Watch the how to play instructions, it references ALOT of videogames.

2. Find Secrets, Easter Eggs and References
There are lots of easter eggs in KIU. Try using a silver bow in ch 8.

1. Bloodbath
In free for all mode, choose the small arena as a stage with 6 CPU lvl 9!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman Review

     There has been alot of classic fairy tales turned into dark stories, like Alice in Wonderland and Red Riding Hood, but the best so far would be "Snow White and The Huntsman."

    Snow White and the Huntsman is based on the German fairy tale, "Snow White" by the Brothers Grimm. The Movie stars Kristen Stewart(Bella in "Twilight") as Snow White, Chris Hemsworth( Thor in "Thor) as the Huntsman, and Charlize Theron(Marvin in "Young Adults") as the Evil Queen Ravenna.

    As almost everyone in the world knows, Snow White is a girl whose mother died and has a step mom who is jealous of her beauty bla bla bla. Then she ate an apple and died and a prince kissed her and they lived happily ever after. In "Snow White and the Huntsman", the Story is a little bit more... detailed... and changed. Like [SPOILER ALERT, highlight to see] The huntsman being Snow White's true love and NOT prince William.The mood of the story changes alot. It is sometimes sad, sometimes happy, exciting, confusing, frustrating and others. The story does get boring but the boredom quickly goes away

      Kristen Stewart's acting was not bad, and definitely an improvement. Chris Hemsworth, on the other hand, was great. He really captures the role of the Huntsman. Charlize was Outstanding. She played as a really good Evil Queen.

      The movie also had lots of CGI moment, which were amazing to look at, but sometimes over used. It also gets boring and unintresting.

SCORE : 8.5/10